Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Previous Posts
- Call of the Wild...
- compute video
- 10 % taller teachers and NO calories
- They call us fans
- Recut
- Colonial subtlety
- Loud music and illustrating
- Queen of the Night
- Kullaberg 2006.01.29
- you know he's making a list...
"Please Kill Me" by Legs McNeil & Gillian McCain
"Painting With Light" by John Alton

"The Five C's of Cinematography" by Joseph V. Mascelli

"Essential Fantastic Four" by Stan Lee & Jack Kirby

The Classic
"The Doubtful Guest", Edward Gorey
I get nice Gilbert Shelton wibes from this, great stuff.
Ah, thanks a million! :D Love your avatar btw.
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