Sunday, September 22, 2024
Previous Posts
- DIY 2-string electric cello - from old furniture wood
- Make your own DIY tape delay / tape echo from a fl...
- Stop Putin's war in Ukraine!
- Cats vs. Progress - the world history of cats!
- DIY electronic Tape Delay, Synthi Clone, Spring Re...
- Cats vs Progress - premiere at Fredrikstad Anima...
- The Dinner Party ("Middagsbjudningen") - opens 201...
- background... tall
- Jill and Jane Kill Hitler
- Superheroine takes a swing at a bunch of old guys
"Please Kill Me" by Legs McNeil & Gillian McCain
"Painting With Light" by John Alton

"The Five C's of Cinematography" by Joseph V. Mascelli

"Essential Fantastic Four" by Stan Lee & Jack Kirby

The Classic
"The Doubtful Guest", Edward Gorey
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