Friday, October 28, 2005

speak six languages?

At home too sick to be productive? Got a few minutes? Try this. Below are links to the same Internet Dating Service's top-ten list in half a dozen European countries.
Surf 'round and read some presentations. In a few minutes you feel like you speak six languages.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

keep on keeping on

Against the odds, knowing better, here I go again. Sending off scripts for a novel. This is what they look like, still on the living room floor, before all letters of rejection arrive.

Better return-mail that used laser toner too while I'm at it.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

the aristocrats?

Cartoon for an alternative magazine. The theme to be covered was why some wars don't get media coverage. A few cheap shots, but what the hell. I think it works.