New short - opens today - PICT-O-PICT
A complete short just with pictograms. A 6:40 long animated short. Not just a few animated scenes.
Adventures in picto-world! (where all pictograms live). After the history lesson the picto-class goes to the picto-studio to see a real picto-shoot. The picto-king visits, but drops his picto-crown! The picto-model takes it! Can super-picto help? Or maybe the picto-kids...
Opens today at Gothenburg International Film Festival - Hagabion 1, 19:30 sold out - but more tickets available here...
Shown at:
Gothenburg International Film Festival (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Edinburgh Short Film Festival (Edinburgh, Scotland)
Animation Block Party (New York, USA)
Adventures in picto-world! (where all pictograms live). After the history lesson the picto-class goes to the picto-studio to see a real picto-shoot. The picto-king visits, but drops his picto-crown! The picto-model takes it! Can super-picto help? Or maybe the picto-kids...
Opens today at Gothenburg International Film Festival - Hagabion 1, 19:30 sold out - but more tickets available here...
PAL, animation, color 06:30 min., 16:9.written, drawn, scored and directed by Jacob StålhammarShown at:
Gothenburg International Film Festival (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Edinburgh Short Film Festival (Edinburgh, Scotland)
Animation Block Party (New York, USA)
Trailers, hirez pix, festival showings etc: here
Pictogram poster above.